My name is Ganesh, I was born and raised in Bangalore.I finished my Engineering Graduation
at Dayanada Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore.
I love to solve problems,
I love the challenge of finding a way and discovering solutions.
I keep myself busy as I believe self growth is the ultimate growth.
–> Wondering if I might be a good fit for your company? Check out my LinkedIn profile!
Now coming to my personal interests, I like researching on new technologies and gadgets. My favourite hobbies are Gaming, Drawing, Playing Badminton, Football, Chess. I prefer South Indian style food more than other styles.
Have a nice day!
Save Nature,Plant more trees!
A React app integrated with Node JS server and databases deployed on Heroku,this app detects faces in the pictures built with Machine Learning Clarifai API.
A search application where movie details can be obtained by Movie name or IMDB ID built from scratch using HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT,JQUERY..
A React App with CRUD operation involved with local json database file with local Api, where we
can create,edit,delete new or old data into json file dynamically .
P.S This project needs two terminal with different ports,so live server cannot be made active.
Download the project from the repository link above and run json server in port "3000" and app in port "3001".
A React App built from scratch, where you can search and listen to songs with artist filter sort only, the application is implemented with Spotify open API.
A simple small project built with only HTML,CSS for background-color and CSS colorcode generations.
A simple recipe book where u can store or edit the recipes of our own built from scratch using ANGULAR 7 and FIREBASE as backend support for database storage.
Bachelor's of Engineering(B.E/
Percentage - 63.5%
Percentage - 89.5%
Percentage - 96.8%
A online certified training which involved training in Front End Developing frameworks HTML,CSS JAVASCRIPT,ANGULAR 4-7 ,CLOUD DEPLOYMENT(AWS,NGNIX)
CertificateA certified training which involved training in Full Stack frameworks- MONGO DB, EXPRESS, REACT JS,NODE.JS
“If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L. means “First Attempt In Learning”. End is not the end, if fact E.N.D. means “Effort Never Dies.” If you get No as an answer, remember N.O. means “Next Opportunity”, So let’s be positive.”
“Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”
“You have to change your life if you’re not happy, and wake up if things aren’t going the way you want.”